Saturday, 15 May 2010

Sore Throat Pain Relief Ideas That Work

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A sore throat is an acute inflammation of the lower pharynx. This inflammation usually affects the mucous membrane and causes it to discharge secretions similar to sputum. In some cases, the throat can be very dry that coughing to discharge the secretions can be harsh on the throat. The tonsils and the soft palate may also become inflamed and cause pain when swallowing. A burning sensation and a tightness in the throat are also common occurrences when one has sore throat.

Some common causes of sore throat include colds, allergies, and habits like breathing through the mouth. A sore throat can also be an indication of a more serious disease if it is severe and chronic. However, for mild and random sore throats, the following sore throat relief ideas work effectively:

*Consider the cause of your sore throat.

Determining the cause of your sore throat is necessary before you can administer the proper cure and relief treatment. If colds and flu are prevalent in your office or any place you frequent, these viruses are probably the cause of your sore throat. Excessive shouting and eating foods that are too spicy can also cause sore throats. However, if you suspect that your sore throat is caused by something more serious like strep throat, you must have it checked by your doctor.

*Take prescription or over-the-counter painkillers.

Your doctor can prescribe prescription medication for your sore throat. Depending on the severity or the perceived cause, he or she can prescribe plain painkillers or one with antibacterial properties. You can also use over-the-counter painkillers like ibuprofen or naproxen to relieve the pain in your throat. You can also take an analgesic to reduce inflammation like aspirin and acetaminophen. Just be sure to inform your doctor of any medication you have taken or are currently taking. This way, you can avoid over-medicating and possibly adverse drug interactions.

*Suck on throat lozenges.

Lozenges with zinc, menthol, benzocaine, or phenol are ideal to suck on since they can numb the throat. Menthol hard candies are also good substitutes if you cannot find lozenges. Sucking on lozenges promote saliva production which prevents dryness and scratching in the throat. Saliva production also reduces the chances of bacterial infections in the throat.

*Gargle mouthwash or salt water frequently.

The alcohol in the mouthwash has antiseptic properties which can cleanse the throat if there are bacteria. It also disinfects scratches and lesions in the throat which might be caused by dry coughing. Salt water works the same way and is cheaper in comparison. Simply combine a teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water. Gargle the mixture several times a day. This will increase the blood supply to the area by washing away mucus and dilating capillaries, thereby enabling better circulation of infection-fighting antibodies.

*Eat a soft or liquid diet.

Instead of meals that require you to swallow solid food like meat, opt for soups, yogurts, and mashed vegetables to avoid irritating your throat further. Supplement this diet with lots of water and natural fruit juices to facilitate the development of antibodies. Remember to avoid too much spices in your meals as these can aggravate your sore throat.

By: kristine

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Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Sore Throat in Children and the Need for Good Parental Care

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Children are very often confronted with sore throat. Sore throat is usually accompanied by sneezing, runny nose and coughing. Sore throat also involves throat inflammation, swelling, discomfort and pain. The cause of sore throat is infection with viruses and even without treatment, the illness disappears in a matter of days. Sore throat usually involves inflammation of the tonsils and pharynges and it is also referred to as tonsillo-pharyngitis. Common symptoms of sore throat in children are: painful, irritated throat, tonsil inflammation and swelling (sometimes the tonsils may be covered in pus), swelling and tenderness of the lymph glands, fatigue, headache, stomachache, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, fever. In some cases, rashes can occur in certain areas of the body.

The viruses responsible for causing sore throat are very contagious. Especially in the flu seasons, it is very difficult to prevent sore throat from occurring. Good personal hygiene can decrease the chances of contracting the viruses that cause sore throat, but can't fully prevent the development of the infection. The viruses responsible for causing sore throat can be transmitted by air, secretions or direct contact.

It is important to be able to distinguish between sore throat and strep throat. While sore throat can clear up by itself in just a few days, strep throat is more persistent and it requires treatment with antibiotics. Parents often panic when their children become sick. Sore throat is in many cases no reason for panic. No medication is required in overcoming sore throat, its symptoms simply disappearing after a few days. If you suspect that your child may be suffering from strep throat, you should check for fever, intense pain and increased sensitivity in the regions around the neck and ears. However, if the symptoms of the illness are mild and their intensity doesn't seem to be progressing, there is no reason to be concerned about.

Despite the fact that sore throat is usually not a serious illness, it is best to pay a visit to a pediatrician anyway. The doctor will perform a simple test, in order to reveal the origin of the infection. If no presence of harmful bacteria is revealed, all the doctor may prescribe are analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, if the sore throat is actually caused by streptococcus bacteria, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate treatment with antibiotics.

A sore throat can be overcome very quickly by children's immune system. All that parents can do is to ensure that they get enough rest and that their fever is under control. You should make sure that your child drinks enough fluids and that he eats enough food. Loss of appetite is a common symptom of sore throat and it is important to convince the child to eat properly when he is ill. The food should be easy to swallow and non-irritating. Convince your child to eat more warm soup, mashed potatoes, yogurt and soft fruits. Fever may lead to dehydration and therefore make sure that your child drinks enough fluids. Pay attention to your child's needs and try to relief the discomfort of his illness. Just like many other ailments, sore throat in children can be easily overcome with the help of good parental care.

By: Groshan Fabiola

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Friday, 7 May 2010

Sore Throat – Now You Can Easily Get Rid of Sore Throat

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A sore throat is an infection that can be either viral or bacterial. It is most commonly caused by a contagious viral infection (such as the flu, cold or mononucleosis), although more serious throat infections can be caused by a bacterial infection (such as strep, mycoplasma or hemophilus). Bacterial sore throats respond well to antibiotics while viral infections do not. For viral infections, there are many natural remedies that you can take to cure a sore throat.

Common viruses, and even the viruses that cause mononucleosis (mono) and the flu, can cause a sore throat. Some viruses can also produce blisters in the mouth and throat ("aphthous stomatitis").

There is a lot of medication that a doctor can prescribe for sore throats but natural alternatives include gargling with hot water and salt, having honey and ginger with hot water, drinking a lot of fluids, basil leaves in warm water, chamomile tea, grapefruit seed extract, hyssop seem effective as well. Sore throats are also0 treated with natural or herbal tonics and throat paints.

Lemon Juice, Honey and Hot Water - Now here is a little drink that will help sooth a sore throat. Add lemon juice (from one lemon) some honey, to a glass of hot water. Now you may drink this drink, it will help to sooth your throat and make your feel better.

Cayenne pepper. Add 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to 1 cup of boiling water; stir well and gargle while mixture is very warm. This brings more circulation to the area and helps draw away the infection. To this formula you can add 4 parts echinacea, 1 part garlic bulb, and 2 parts peppermint leaves to 1 part cayenne.

Mix ginger and lemon juice. Run down the throat without swallowing. The ginger will cling to the sides of the throat to provide temporary relief and a barrier to prevent damage from coughing. The acidic lemon juice will help with removal of mucus.

Sage - Sage is another popular alternative medicine used in the treatment of sore throats. Sage is beneficial in treating pharyngitis and other throat pains by reducing inflammation and protecting the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

Another way to keep sore throats from emerging or getting rid of sore throats that have already decided to make there present is by eating dill pickles. Again the vinegar comes into the picture again. This way you can have the benefit of the vinegar with something good to snack on as well.

Simply use water as hot as you can stand. Add at least a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. Then gargle with a mouthful of the hot salt water as long as possible. Spit it out. Gargle with fresh salt water. Do this for about five minutes, or until the sore throat pain subsides.

Now here is a little drink that will help sooth a sore throat. Add lemon juice (from one lemon) some honey, to a glass of hot water. You'll feel a lot better instantly. I actually like to do this, but I will put the lemon and honey in a chamomile tea.

By: peterhutch

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Monday, 3 May 2010

Sore Throat – Symptoms and Treatment

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A sore throat is a disease primarily located in the area around the tonsils. It is also known as pharyngitis or tonsillitis.The pharynx is the part of the throat that lies between the mouth and the larynx or voice box. It is associated most commonly with the common cold or influenza. While most sore throats heal without complications, in some cases, they develop into a serious illness.

Sore throat refers to the inflammation of the pharynx or back of the throat. It occurs frequently when a person has a cold or an attack of influenza. 10% of sore throat may be due to strep throat infection. Strep throat is an infection of the pharynx, caused by group A streptococcus bacteria, whereas sore throat may be a viral or a bacterial infection. Strep throat is common among children and teenagers, between the ages of 5 to 15.

Sore throats have many different causes, and may or may not be accompanied by cold symptoms, fever,or swollen lymph glands. Proper treatment depends on understanding the cause of the sore throat.

Sore throats are normally caused by either a viral or bacterial infection. The most important difference between a virus and bacteria is that bacteria respond well to antibiotic treatment and viruses do not. A sore throat is commonly spread by: sharing drinks, kissing, coughing, nose blowing, and sneezing.


Symptoms of sore throat throughout the body include fever, headache, nausea, and malaise. These may be present with either a viral or bacterial infection. Symptoms specific to the throat include pain with swallowing for pharyngitis and a hoarse voice when laryngitis is present. Cold viruses tend to cause more coughing and runny nose than strep throat.

For the vast majority of sore throats, there are no treatments to cure the disease. These cases of sore throat are caused by viruses, against which there are few medications. Antibiotics may be prescribed for bacterial sore throats. But they will have no effect on viral sore throats.

Cinnamon is regarded as an effective remedy for a sore throat resulting from a cold. One teaspoon of coarsely powdered cinnamon, boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder, and two teaspoons of honey can be taken as a medicine in the treatment of this condition. Two or three drops of cinnamon oil, mixed with a teaspoon of honey, also give immense relief

Therefore, drinking enough fluids is very important. When it is hard to drink, it is important to decrease your body's requirements for fluid through rest and lowering any fever that is present. Choose high-quality fluids such as soup broth (which replaces both salt and water losses) and sugar-containing solutions (they help the body absorb the fluids more rapidly). Avoid caffeine because it can cause water loss.


Complications such as rheumatic fever (inflammation of connective tissue and joint pain), scarlet fever (fever with body rash), tonsil abscess, and glomerulonephritis (kidney disease) can result from untreated streptococcal infection. Severe pharyngitis associated with Corynebacterium diphtheriae and infectious mononucleosis can obstruct the airway and cause lower respiratory problems (e.g., pneumonia).

By: peterhutch

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Thursday, 29 April 2010

Sore Throat Home Remedies for Quick Relief

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Sore throat is a very irritating problem in which the throat is inflamed. This is generally caused due to colds and coughs. Sore throats can also be caused due to tonsillitis.

Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Sore Throat

# Bayberry (Myrica nagi)

A hot decoction of the bayberry bark is taken as a gargle. This gargle makes a very good remedy for all kinds of throat infections.

# Belleric Myrobalan (Terminalia belerica)

The belleric myrobalan, commonly known as behera in Ayurvedic parlance, is a popular Indian household remedy for coughs. The pulp of its fruit is taken. This pulp is mixed with salt, long pepper and honey. This is given for allaying the problems of sore throat. Instead of this preparation, its fried fruit can also be covered with wheat flour and then roasted on a low flame.

# Betel (Piper betle)

Betel leaves are crushed and applied externally on the throat region. If the sore throat is accompanied by an irritating cough, then the berry of the plant is crushed and is taken with honey.

# Butea (Butea monosperma)

Butea leaves are a good remedy in case of infections in the throat. A decoction of the leaves is prepared in water and is taken as a gargle.

# Cardamom (Elattaria cardamomum)

An infusion of cardamom (preferably with cinnamon) is used as a gargle for the treatment of sore throat problems. This infusion is good even if the sore throat is cause due to a serious condition such as influenza; in fact the infusion helps to prevent the influenza itself.

# Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)

Fenugreek is perhaps the best remedy for ordinary sore throats. Fenugreek seeds are put in a liter of water and allowed to simmer. This is kept for half an hour on a low flame. Later it is cooled down and then strained. The liquid is used as a gargle for treatment of sore throat.

# Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is a very effective remedy that is used in various ways to treat sore throat. In fact, ginger can be used as a treatment for coughs and colds, which are the causes of sore throat. Ginger can be taken in the form of a tea, or it can be made into hot beverage with plain water and sugar. The juice of ginger is also taken with honey in order to treat sore throats.

# Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

Henna leaves are taken in the form of a decoction for gargling. This has beneficial results in sore throat.

# Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

The juice of the licorice herb has soothing powers for the throat. When having sore throat, just suck on some pieces of raw licorice, which allows the juices to pass slowly through the throat.

Dietary Guidelines for Treatment of Sore Throat

# Curds and other sour foods must be avoided. Fried foods are extremely aggravating for this condition. Oil must be avoided in all forms. Even a trace of oil in the food can compound the problems. But ghee can be had in little amounts.

# It is very dangerous to consume anything that is cold or refrigerated when there is a throat infection. This will make the sore throat so severe that even swallowing food and breathing might become difficult. Even foods with a cold propensity such as cucumbers, bananas, watermelons, papayas, etc. must be avoided.

# Flavoring the food with spices such as ginger, black pepper, salt and garlic is beneficial.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Sore Throat

Several Ayurvedic remedies are employed in the treatment of sore throats. The following are some of them:

# External fomentation is done, followed by a gargle with one cup of lukewarm water in which a teaspoonful of irimedadi taila is added.

# One teaspoon of yashtimadhu and vacha are given four times a day with honey as the vehicle. Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) powder is also prescribed in doses of one teaspoonful of powder with hot water to be taken before retiring to bed. The latter remedy is generally prescribed in case there is constipation linked with the sore throat.

# Chewing preparations such as khadiradi vati and eladi vati are also very beneficial and are commonly prescribed.

Home Remedies for Treatment of Sore Throat

# The easiest home remedy is to take a salt water gargle. Put four teaspoons of salt in a liter of water. Warm the water, but not too much. It should be just alright for gargling. Gargle with this water for twenty minutes. If you gargle in the night before going to bed, then if it is a simple sore throat, it will be gone by morning.

# Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds to boiling water. Put some pieces of garlic in it. Allow this to simmer for a few seconds. When simmered enough, set it aside to get cooled. This preparation is to be drunk as a beverage while still slightly warm. It helps relieve sore throat.

Sore throat is mostly caused due to common cold. It is accompanied by cough. Hence, remedies for common cold must be done. This will also treat the sore throat. It is not advisable to have a head bath until the sore throat condition lasts. Also, do not expose yourself to cold water and cold climate for a few days.

By: Candy Willims

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Sunday, 25 April 2010

Why You Can Get a Sore Throat From Using the Volcano Vaporizer

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I noticed sometimes when I'm using the Volcano Vaporizer I'm getting a bit of a sore throat after wards. Its not too bad and unlike smoking, where i get nasty cough and feel the impact on my lungs immediately. It feels more like my throat is simply a bit more sensitive and sore than usual.

None of my friends who use this device experienced anything like this, they are all very happy with the Volcano. So i was wondering whether i have simply very sensitive lungs (which is the case by the way, especially since i stopped smoking cigarettes) or maybe the Volcano Vaporizer isn't so healthy and harmless as its marketed after all. I got my doubts because all of my vaporizing buddies also smoke cigarettes and i got the thought that maybe their lungs simply aren't as sensitive from all the smoking. So i decided to do some research on the topic.

I started out on looking into the technology of the Volcano Vaporizer itself, the way this device is working. Honestly i had no clue how exactly this vaporization process was working and what the advantages of it were compared to simply burning the plant material.

I found out that with the vaporization method hot air flows through the plant material with a controlled temperature between 103°C (266°F) and 230°C (446°F). Through this process the active ingredients and flavorings within the plant are released into the air and can be inhaled. This is basically the same method as simply smoking the plant material, the difference being that with smoking the plant material the desired temperature is reached by burning the plant material. This has several disadvantages compared to vaporizing.

From the health aspect, by simply burning the plant material you do not only inhale the wanted active ingredients and flavorings, but also the toxic combustion by-products. These toxic by-products are responsible for the long-term damage in the lungs which can be caused by smoking. I don't think i need to list those here, we are hopefully all aware of those anyway.

Economically there is also a huge loss in effectiveness in the process of burning. Due to the uncontrolled burning temperature a lot of the wanted active ingredients simply get destroyed in the process. With the vaporizing method the temperature can be controlled and the active ingredients don't get destroyed which results in an increased effectiveness. You can actually use the same plant material two or three times and still get an effect, even though the effect gets weaker each time. For me this is actually the biggest advantage even over the health aspects, because i simply save a lot of money by "re-cycling" the material.

The third aspect is that by vaporizing you don't get toxic combustion by-products which simply results in a more "tasty" experience. These by-products not only cause damage to the lungs like mentioned above but they also distract from the flavorings in the plant material as they overlap them. I was actually very pleasantly surprised the first time i vaporized by how tasty it was. You can notice much more subtleties in the flavor of the plant material than you would by smoking.

So while this all sounded very good to me in theory i still had my doubts about this device. I can understand how this technology works but still i got this sore throat feeling sometimes after vaporizing, so i looked into some scientific studies about the Volcano Vaporizer.

A study from the Institute of Technology at the University of Leiden came to the conclusion that "the final pulmonal uptake of THC is comparable to the smoking of cannabis, while avoiding the respiratory disadvantages of smoking". (Evaluative study on the Volcano Vaporizer, Division of Pharmacognosy, Institute of Biology, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)

So far so good but still why the irritation in my lungs? Don't get me wrong its not a huge thing and it goes away after a while and is very different from the felt impacts on my lungs by smoking. But i just wanted to find this out and decided to dug a little deeper.

And finally in another study by D. Gieringer published in the journal of Cannabis Therapeutics i found the little side note that "A puff of strong vaporized cannabis will occasionally elicit a cough. This could be entirely due to THC". (Study on the effectiveness of the Volcano Vaporizer, Dale Gieringer, Journal of Cannabis therapeutics, Vol. 4 2004)

By: vapomaster

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Home Remedies for Sore Throat - Top 9 Users Recommended Home Remedies

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A sore throat, also known as pharyngitis, is inflammation or redness of the tissues, sometimes with yellowish/white pus on the tonsils. It is a common problem that each one of us faces in our lifetime. Sore throats are mainly caused by bacteria or viruses, affecting mostly children and young adults. Sore throat can continue for more than 48 hours. Sore throats can also be caused by allergic reactions or allergies and tobacco smoke.

The symptoms of a sore throat include pain, particularly on swallowing, painful swollen glands in the neck and drooling of saliva. For both a cough and sore throat, it's essential to get medical guidance and a diagnosis early, particularly if the child has a fever or is normally unwell, or if the cough is frequent.

User Recommended Home Remedies for Sore Throat:

1) Steep 1 teaspoon dried chamomile in 1 cup of hot water. Strain and let it cool to lukewarm and gargle as required.

2) Bishop's weed is valuable for sore throat cure. An infusion of the Bishop's weed seeds mixed with common salt can be used beneficially as a gargle in a sharp condition caused by a cold. This is good Home Remedy for Sore Throat.

3) Prepare the gargle of fenugreek seeds by putting two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in a litre of cold water and allowed this to simmer for half an hour over a low flame. This should then be allowed to cool to a supportable temperature, strained, and then used completely as a gargle.

4) Tamarind is also beneficial in the treatment of sore throat. A powder of the dry tamarind leaves and an infusion of the bark can be used for preparation of a gargle for sore throat cure. This is another effective Home Remedies for Sore Throat.

5) Dissolve 1 teaspoon salt in 1/2 cup cider vinegar and mix in 1 cup warm water. Gargle after every 15 minutes as required.

6) Mix lemon juice and 1 tablespoon each of honey in 1 cup warm water. Sip this mixture little by little.

7) The curative herb sage is a great sore-throat gargle. Mix 1 teaspoon of sage in 1 cup boiling water and steep for 10-15 minutes then strain. Add to it 1 teaspoon cider vinegar and honey, and then gargle four times a day. This is also very good Home Remedy for Sore Throat.

8) Listerine mouthwash can be used as gargle. Pour a small amount of it into a cup for gargle.

9) Raspberry leaf tea can be used as gargle. Pour 1 cup boiling water over 2 teaspoons dried leaves and steep for 10 minutes then strain. Allow to cool. This gargle can also be used as a fever-reducing drink. This is another effective Home Remedy for Sore Throat.

By: Dr James Sameul

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